Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Failed, But Got to Eat Lox , 4 1/2 of 16 (by Anita)

Mood: Disappointed that I didn't finish. 

Physical: Nice and full from my Noah's cracked pepper corn bagel with garlic cream cheese and lox!

You all might have noticed that I didn't post yesterday. Well, I was wallowing in shame. The experiment is already over. :-(. (cue sad violin music). I have already quit the Master Cleanse!

I don't really have a great reason why I quit the cleanse. Only that, yesterday morning I woke up very uncomfortable. Five laxative pills definitely had the desired effect! The whole time I was experiencing this I thought, "man, this is great this is working the way that it's suppose to". Then I realized that although it was working, I wasn't actually happy. The benefit didn't seem to out way the horrible discomfort I felt for hours, and hours. 

So, yesterday I drank two glasses of lemonade. Then I finally gave up. I ate a piece of toast, then I made homemade carrot ginger soup and at that was that. The cleanse was over faster than it started. 

I'm really disappointed in myself. But, at the same time, I guess my will power with food is just too strong to over come. I feel as though this was actually harder than climbing Mount Whitney. With a mountain you can see the end in sight, literarily. But with something that you are doing to your body, there doesn't ever seem to be an end. And my mental state while doing this was too hard to over come. The compulsion to eat is just too great. 

That being said, I still want to try to limit my intake of bad foods. I plan on being more controlled. I hope to eat a lot more raw foods, less dairy and less wheat. Of course I will try to stay away from all the tempting sweets at work. Which are truly my down fall. 

The bagel and lox that I finished eating is going to be the last for a long time. I think today was the first day that I ate dairy food in a week. I am lactose intolerant and I've never really listened to my body. I've always just eaten dairy whenever I felt like it. Well, I really should listen to my body and feed myself things that won't cause bloating and fatigue, which is what dairy does to me. 

Anyway, I just want to say a big Thank You to everyone who has been reading  about my short stint with the cleanse. I would like thank everyone who has commented, talked to me and been very supportive. 

I plan to keep posting on different topics, so stay tuned for my next crazy adventure!

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