Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Song: All The Money In The World

Here is The Mighty Have Fallen's commentary on the Economy, Corporatocracy, Greed, and the Real Power of Money as a Social Phenomenon.  Anita and I wrote the lyrics to this song with inspiration from the Occupy Wall Street movement.  One day Anita was tripping out about the fact that bonds are essentially the sale and purchase of debt.  But where exactly is this money?  Where does the billions of dollars the US owes exist?  I contend that, in a physical sense, it exists on hard drives.  In a real sense, as in the way it affects lives, it can't be understood so easily.  People don't eat because they can't afford it.  People commit suicide over money.  People get ulcers over money.  People lose their homes over money.  This money, these debts, do not exist in any physical way, but just as a social construct - a psychological game that we all participate in (and must participate in).  This song is meant to point out the tenuous nature of billions of dollars of debt - the artificial existence of it - to point out that there is no stash of gold, we are getting ulcers over data stored on hard drives.  People are suppressed, disempowered, manipulated, and ignored as a result of data stored on hard drives.


All The Money In The World by tmhfband

Lyrics for All The Money In The World:

Listen close we haven't time
The things I say you cannot find
They hide the truth so you can't see
The media is brought down to its knees

The secret of your bank account
The secret ropes that tie you down
Conceal the truth so you can't see
They care of nothing but their filthy greed

All the money in the world
All the money in the world
All the money in the world

All the money in the bank
Invested in some other place
And what's a billion dollars mean
When it's nowhere to be seen
The debt you owe is bought and sold
Bonds are like a great black hole
And in the end it's in our mind
We only owe that which we define

And for other jams we've recorded recently, check out these links:

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